Christianity has always been at odds with occult secret societies. Persecutions and accusations come from both sides and one often defines itself by the negating the other. This is also represented in the video.

- The word “Monster” with a Christian cross underneath it creates a not-so-subliminal unconscious association
The cross associated with the word “Monster” is also seen on her promotional pictures:

- Notice the position of her hands

- A cross placed right on her “privates”. No matter what religion you are, you know this is not a sign of respect

- In this choreography, Gaga does what looks like the sign of the cross but her hand gesture describes a triangle instead (classic phallic symbol). Enjoy my brilliantly drawn triangle to help you visualize it.
Reptilian Monster Symbolism
In some scenes, Gaga gradually starts to look like reptilian monster, with a focus on the spine.

- Emphasis on the spine

- Why is her spine glowing?

- Angry looking bat on her head

- Bulging spine… I’m not sure of what she is doing with her fingers either.
There is a great resemblance with the devil in this painting by Michael Pacher. Notice the spine.

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